Why Soft Water? ©

Water, The Universal Solvent!pic5

Water is the universal solvent. It passes from liquid to vapor and back again, tends to dissolve everything it touches: in the air as water vapor were it can mix with sulfur from smoke stacks forming acid, and in the soil where it absorbs calcium, magnesium, sulfur, iron, lead and limestone. Depending on where you live, contaminants from sewage, industrial waste and agricultural run-off can also seep into your water supply.

How the 9100 Twin Alternating
System softens water:

Hard water passes through the online media tank that contains resin beads coated with sodium ions. The calcium and magnesium ions are exchanged for sodium (or potassium) ions, thus softening the water. When the beads have trapped the hardness and need to be regenerated, the 9100 control valve charges them with the brine from the brine tank.
pic1Capacity is one of the first things you should look for in a water softener. The average family uses 80 to 100 gallons of water per person per day. That means a household of five requires 400 gallons of softened water daily. If your water has a hardness rating of 30 grains per gallon (gpg), for example, you would need to remove 12,000 grains per day (400 gallons x 30 grains). With a water softener that regenerates every 3 days, your minimum softener capacity would be 36,000 grains (12,000 grains x 3 days).As regeneration occurs, calcium and magnesium (hardness) ions are freed from the beads, replaced with sodium or potassium ions; and the system is ready to soften water again using the standby tank.

Brine tank performance insurance

All Charger water softeners may be ordered with optional salt grid  which virtually prevents salt bridging.

D.I.R. Demand Initiated Regeneration


Save water and up to 40% in salt usage by adding meter-controlled regeneration.

Fleck 9100 Twin Alternating

Control Valve features:


• Alternating twin mineral tanks

• 24-Hour soft water

• Meter (D.I.R.) initiated regeneration

• System flow rates to 16 gpm

• Regenerates immediately when needed for continuous soft water

• Salt and water savings by using 100% capacity of the tank in service, before switching to the second tank

• Corrosion-free fiber-reinforced polymer valve body